Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cute Game I Like

I found a game on Kongregate called Jacksmith.  It's a sort of strategy type flash game.  It's just different enough to keep my interest, and it has a donkey as the main character.  <3>

Play more games at Flipline Studios

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I'm still here

I haven't posted in a year or so, but I've been working on some things.  First, I got married.  YAY!  Finally.  :)

Secondly, I've started a business.  It's been slow going, but I'm hoping to have it grow.  I've been making book trailers.  The site is and you can find it on facebook as well at  It'd be awesome if you'd check me out there.  :)  

Friday, June 17, 2011

New Endeavors

I've recently started working on book trailers. I've completed one for an author friend, Faith V. Smith, and I think it turned out pretty snazzy. Being creative has made me start thinking about writing again. Daddy always said I should try, so I think I need to step up my game and at least get some thoughts typed out.

Our website, Eclectic Minute, is coming along nicely. We're a very little fish in a very large pond, but I'm hoping that people will like what they see, and flock to us. I'll be adding my trailer endeavor to EM, along with trading cards, and whatever other things I can think of.

I get stressed out while doing the projects, but once they're completed, I feel amazing. I love that feeling. It's such a high...I want it all the time. So I guess I should be more creative and send my little babies out into the world...either people will like them, or they won't. But you never know until you try, right?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Daddy passed away at 9:15 p.m. on February 4, 2011. I was fortunate to be present during his last moments. He went peacefully, and didn't struggle to breathe, which is what I was terrified of. I didn't want to watch him in pain, or to watch him fight. He'd been fighting so hard for so long. His poor body just couldn't take any more.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year

Lot’s going on.  The cancer that had moved to Daddy’s brain has shrunk.  Thank God.  Not sure about the lungs yet…waiting for an MRI of those, and the results.

Bre and Josh are pregnant with a baby girl.  I’m going to work on crocheting a blanket for her.  I’m super excited for them! 

I have other friends who are expecting and I’m praying that Stacy has an easy pregnancy and delivery.  I’m excited to see what life has in store for Wes and Stacy, they deserve the best it has to offer.

I started WoW again after I had decided I was giving it up.  I’m glad I’m back.  I’m having a ball, and finally got my epic flying.  It’s fun fun fun!!  My leatherworking is at 500 and hopefully, I’ll raise it some more.

My sister and brother are playing now too, so that’s fun. 

And Victor and I are engaged.  I hope we can set a date soon.  It’d be so nice to be married and live under the same roof. 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

नेगातिविटी Begone

I have a father who is possibly not getting better, and he won’t tell anyone if he’s feeling worse or not. I have a brother who is now staying with me, can’t find a job, and won’t pick up after himself. He’s taking over my house. I have a boyfriend who wants me to kick said brother out, or something along those lines. I have enough to worry about. I don’t need any more negativity.
I am drowning, and I feel like I haven’t got a friend in the world right now. It sucks. I know people care about me, but no one can help me. I have to fix this myself, and it sucks. I am tired of carrying the weight of the world (as I see it) on my shoulders and all I get from people is what I’m doing wrong. I don’t care what you think anymore. I’m doing the best I can with what I have. If you can’t say nice things to me, or pray for me, then don’t do anything. Just stop.
I am sick of people being nice to my face, then talking about me behind my back like I am a horrible person. I do things for others all the time. I buy them things, give money, take care of their kids because they didn’t pay their bills. NO MORE! The bank of Rebecca is closed.
Yes, I realize I have dated the same man for nine years. Yes, he is probably never going to marry me. You think I don’t know that? Jeez. I may be blind in one eye, but I’m not STUPID, contrary to popular belief. Live your own life, let me muck up my own. It’s bad enough already. I don’t need any more help.
I am just sick of it all. I want to scream, and I can’t. I want to hit something, and I can’t. I have to sit here like a good girl and act like I have it all together, when in truth, we are so close to losing our house, it’s not even funny. Don’t tell me I don’t know the seriousness of my situation…I know it all too well. I can’t sleep at night because I know it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Life as I see it

I was a dork in school.  I assume I still am one.  I have always been different and some people just don’t like differences.  I was/am overweight, read entirely too much fiction, avoid the sun (although in retrospect, that’s probably a good thing), and tended to avoid people in general.  I had my circle of friends, but they all were friends of my boyfriends at the time.  Once the relationships ended, usually the friendships did as well.

Now I struggle to have friends.  I had friends in school who I should have cherished and treated so much better.  I didn’t.  I let them walk away, and I should have held on, at their ankles if necessary, to keep them from leaving me.  Luckily, I have been reconnecting with old friends and acquaintances.  Not everyone likes me, I am sure, and I struggle to make sure I don’t fall into my old habit of trying to buy friendships buy doing things, being the way I think they want me to be, etc.  I was a doormat.   No longer.

I am going to stay a dork.  A geek.  A nerd.  I will wear that mantle proudly and I will strut my stuff in my geekdom.  I will be myself, and if they can’t handle it, there’s more where they came from.